Organization Profile

In February 2002, MKF established a pilot project consisting of a curative program and a prevention program in one of the poorest areas of northern Uttar Pradesh in India. The curative program was to serve 15 villages, with a total population of approximately 45000. The prevention program began by serving one village. Both programs have since grown in all dimensions. We are now serving over 70 villages/40,000 patients in our curative program and 60 villages/180,000 people in the prevention program.

Manav Khidmet Foundation is a Non-Profit Charitable Trust healing lives of the most underprivileged communities in years. The organization has been a ray of hope in the lives of the populace residing amongst the most under-developed villages in district CHANDAULI of Eastern UTTAR PRADESH.

Vision/ Mission

"At Manav Khidamat Foundation, we have a dream, A dream that every person lives healthy, That no one falls sick, That every mother delivers safely, That every child is born healthy, That every child has the opportunity to thrive, And has access to quality health care."


Manav Khidamat Foundation (MKF) is dedicated to bringing health and medical services to the poor villages of northeastern India. MKF is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization.



When MKF's founder, Abul Sharah, decided to invest the rest of his life to improving the standard of living in Uttar Pradesh, he spent many months working with its local residents and leaders to identify which changes would bring the greatest benefits to the region. As a result of these conversations, three interrelated goals were identified as the keys to improving the region's standard of living: health care, education and income.
If sufficient resources were available, all three of these issues could be tackled simultaneously, and there's no doubt that this would have a dramatic effect on the quality of life in this area of Uttar Pradesh. Realistically, only so much can be accomplished with the available resources. In recognition of this, MKF has focused its attention on first building up the region's health care system.
From the start, a consensus developed that the greatest need in Uttar Pradesh was for improvements to the quality and availability of health care. In recognition of this, Sharah's first goal has been to establish the Trust, Manav Khidmat Foundation. With the help and generous support of many, the Hospital has come a long way toward achieving this goal, providing preventative and curative services for children, pregnant mothers, and others in the community. Health care continues to consume the great majority of the MKF staff's time and resources.


Improvements to Uttar Pradesh's educational system have been identified as a second key element for improving the lives of the people who live in the region. Likewise, access to a decent income stands as a third key to improving the quality of life there. These goals remain firmly in sight, and we hope that in the future we will be able to have a strong impact in improving those key areas as well.


Dr. Abul Sharah founded MKF in February 2001 to transform his dream into reality. Dr. Sharah had been thinking about his life and its meaning for several years. Just to live a comfortable life was not good enough. He wanted to give back, to make a difference.

Abul Sharah was a fatherless, impoverished boy from, Uttar Pradesh, India's poorest province. By chance, brains and hard work, he got an education and rose to senior engineering and marketing positions at Honeywell and MTS Systems over a 27-year career in the USA. In 1996, Dr. Sharah was harboring a growing desire to give something back in appreciation for his good fortune when chance intervened. While on a business trip to Calcutta, India, Dr. Sharah scheduled in time for a visit to Mother Theresa's Home for Dying Destitutes. By coincidence, he arrived at the hour when the nun received visitors. After learning of his humble Indian roots and success in the United States, Mother Theresa urged Dr. Sharah to pursue a mission of "love and human service."

Dr. Sharah decided to retire from corporate life early by 1999 and return to the poor villages of Uttar Pradesh – where he was born – in northern India, to help establish a medical clinic, nutrition, vaccination and health-education programs and employ qualified medical personnel in an area where illiteracy and disease are rampant. Dr. Sharah is investing the rest of his life integrating a quiet passion to give kids a brighter future with the planning and analysis skills he learned in industry.

Management Team

Dr. R. K. Pathak is MKF's chief physician and heads the curative department. Dr. Pathak joined MKF in 2003. He has been a pillar for the organization, devoted to MKF and his job. He has a passion for serving the poor and the needy and is a great communicator with patients. Dr. Pathak received his medical degree in 1968 and practiced medicine in a private practice in a small village. When asked why he wanted to come to MKF, he answered that he had heard so many good things about MKF from patients and people living in his area that he decided to come and talk to us. Dr. Pathak is a family man, with a wife and three children.

Dr. Nadeem Ashraf is the head of MKF's preventative program. He joined MKF from day one of our clinic opening in Marufpur, India. At that time, he was a young man of 26 years and didn't exactly know where he was headed. He did want to pursue a career in healthcare. He has proved himself to be an ambitious, hardworking employee and has been a key figure in the expansion of our preventative health care program. Dr. Nadeem is married and has two young children.

Our Staff

Our Staff Manav Khidamat Foundation has 58 full-time/part time staff who carry out its programs.


MKF receives valuable advice on a continuing basis from the community leaders in the area.